Our Team


Bachelor Exercise and Sports Science - ACU

Certificate IV Workplace Training and Assessment

Comprehensive Diploma LifeCare Physiotherapy - Nicole Vass

Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction - Pilates International Training Centre

Comprehensive Classical Pilates Training - Authentic Pilates Education International

The Heritage Training (Kathy Grant lineage) - Cara Reeser

Gyrotonic (pre-trainer), Gyrokinesis and specialised equipment

Core Align 1 and 2

Nicholas Psarros

Founder and Studio Director The Movement Refinery
Founder and lead educator TMRACADEMY / Pilates Teacher Education
Founder The Pilates Teacher Network

Thanks for looking me up. I have been teaching the Pilates method full time since 2002. I enjoy working with general public clients who have a variety of interests and goals and have always worked as an instructor educator and workshop presenter.

Generally, clients come to classes because they are a bit itchy in their skin or have something they want to accomplish and look to The Movement Refinery for support; all clients who are interested in Pilates and exercise are welcome at my studio and teacher training programme.

I grew up in Adelaide and was introduced to Pilates as a teenage dancer. It wasn’t for me, I was young and it was an hour of breathing on the floor with my eyes closed, I wanted to MOVE! After relocating to Brisbane for vocational full-time dance training, I was immersed in Pilates several times each week with some great teachers (Jennifer Pohlman, Maggie Magill and Nicole Vass) and I loved it. I realised that it was the user-manual for my body that I never received and also helped me to manage my big feelings and dropped me firmly, ‘in’ my body.

I completed three comprehensive programmes (Nicole Vass for Lifecare Physiotherapy 2003, Pilates International 2011, Authentic Pilates Education International 2016) a post-graduate teachers programme (The Heritage Training 2021) and countless workshops and development opportunities over the last twenty years, including many hours with archival legacy bearer Benjamin Degenhardt.

My love of movement and feeling good lead me to the Gyrotonic method which has a huge impact on how I work with clients, particularly looking at the spine and rib cage and how clear and supple movement creates positive change through the rest of the body. I was certified in the method in 2005 and spent ten years working with the specialised equipment operating Gyrotonic Clifton Hill which I later absorbed into The Movement Refinery. I’m not currently teaching Gyrotonic formally but my clients will tell you that it is embedded into how I ‘see the body’ and connect them to their core.

Even though I had excellent and thorough Pilates training, I felt that I wanted to know more about the human body and other systems. This lead me to balancing a full-time studio with study and raising a puppy (now a very senior doggy) and in 2014 I received my degree in Exercise and Sports Science. This programme allows me to take a step back and consider my clients both holistically and theoretically as an allied health professional and then pull from my skillset to support them to their individual successes.

For four years I worked alongside Elizabeth Hewett at The Australian Ballet School and as the Strength and Conditioning coach, supporting the future of dance amongst a magnificent team of health professionals. These years were deeply rewarding and exciting and I love when seeing former students light up the stage.

You’ll find me happily at a conference, a training programme or reading and sharing information as I digest it. I don’t have the answers for everything Pilates-related, but I do enjoy exploring the profession so that I can support any client on any day of the week at the studio.

My classes help you to get rid of aches and pains and get you strong. I ask my clients to go deep, to commune with themselves and put up with my podcast recommendations and sassy comments. For instructors and fitness professionals, I will help you to decode the traditional Pilates method and support you to become an independent and curious practitioner for years to come. Whether you come to me for general classes or education make no mistake, I will ask a lot of you. It will be worth it and your clients will thank you. You have my word.

I love my profession and am looking forward to working with you.


Chris KelLY


I draw on my experiences in health and movement therapy to passionately educate and empower my clients to understand their bodies. Ultimately, our shared goal is to develop a connection and sensitivity to the body so that clients can move freely and feel better in their daily lives.

Although I am now deeply rooted in the Pilates sphere, I initially began my teacher training process as a bit of a side-hustle while I completed my Chinese Medicine (TCM) degree.  At the time, my rationale was to have tools to help clients with their musculoskeletal concerns as a complement to the internal medicine of TCM. The narrative then flipped as I continually witnessed the healing power of intentional movement. Clients improved in their quality of life internally and externally thanks to effective exercise, so I channelled my professional career accordingly. 

As a Pilates Teacher, I remain curious and have had formal training through both classical (TMR Academy) and contemporary (Polestar Pilates) lineages. Did you know that  I was inspired by the classical method after attending classes at The Movement Refinery? The effects and playful memories have snowballed to shape the teacher I am today.

Have you heard of The Franklin MethodⓇ? I’m a Level 1 Educator and there are only a few of us in Australia. This body of work is at the forefront of practical neuroplasticity. It is an over-arching innovative system and view of the body/movement which helps clients by pulling in tools like imagery and anatomical embodiment. These tools run in tandem with my Pilates offering to create long-term change for the body and mind. As part of my qualification, I also enjoy facilitating workshops for both professional development and to the public.  

I’d like to see broader uptake of considered exercise programmes and anatomical embodiment in our health system, which is why I am studying at Deakin University to become an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. 

I am a child of the Antipodes having grown up between Bangkok, Auckland and later Australia as a young adult. My clients would describe me as gentle, patient and always ready to guide them through a work-out or a work-in. Our studio is a haven for all.